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November 26, 2024
Variety Insurance

Protecting Your Motorcycle Gear and Accessories During the Offseason

As winter approaches and inclement conditions take over many parts of the country, it may be time for you to put away your motorcycle for the offseason. But no longer hopping behind the handlebars for a few months doesn’t mean you should be complacent about protecting your property. In addition to ensuring you maintain suitable insurance for your bike, you should also be mindful of insurance for your gear and accessories, as certain incidents could lead to significant financial losses without directly impacting your vehicle.

How to Insure Motorcycle Gear and Accessories

In many situations, your motorcycle insurance policy may include coverage for gear and accessories, such as your jacket, gloves, helmet and saddlebag. This protection is commonly referred to as gear coverage, although exact terminology may vary among carriers. Regardless of the label, this feature within a motorcycle insurance policy can play a crucial role in ensuring such items can be repaired, restored or replaced should they be damaged by an accident, fire, severe weather or crime.

Maintaining Insurance During the Offseason

Some motorcycle insurance policyholders may choose to adjust their coverage during the offseason. Given that you’ll no longer be driving on the road, maintaining a policy that includes certain protections, such as medical payments coverage or personal injury protection, may be financially inefficient. However, when adjusting your policy during these times, you should be careful to avoid cutting too much coverage and leaving yourself underinsured.

Generally, you should at least maintain comprehensive coverage and gear coverage during the offseason; theft, fires and damage caused by falling objects (e.g., trees and tree limbs) could still harm your bike and accessories despite being in storage. Alternatively, you may be able to retain limited coverage for helmets and other riding gear if you have homeowners or renters insurance. Such policies can financially protect personal possessions, but you should be mindful of any limitations and the exact details of your coverage before depending on this approach.

We’re Here to Help With Motorcycle Insurance

Contact Variety Insurance Agency today to learn more about motorcycle insurance and covering your gear and accessories.


This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information. 

Categories: Motorcycle Insurance